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Publish Yet Perish?

Increasingly, the notion that seems to backfire is “publish or perish.” Publishing research papers in all areas of generations of knowledge (i.e., disciplines) seems to have updated its course. Lately, however, what seems to dominate the business of the generation of knowledge is the attribute of expansion. Expansion in volume and numbers; still doubtful of the quality, though. What seems to change its course is yet an obvious question that research organizations, universities, and other educational institutions increasingly face is the question of “Why fund research?”. Increasingly, private players' intervention seems to impact the existing research landscape worldwide. Looking at just the discipline of economics, the below graph from Aigner, Greenspon, & Rodrik (2021) demonstrates the irrational yet exponential growth in several journals and published research papers over the last four decades.  While growth in numbers is evident, a question of perspective remains. As follows
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Problem with (not) understanding the role of aiming high

       In my novice attempts to understand higher education choices during my PhD the last few years, I have always wondered what factors matter the most. Of course, there are models of the orthodox or the newer types. I have mostly relied on the orthodox ones that take a general pool of variables and then predict the probabilities. I am using " orthodox " to indicate the pool of models that are accepted but are old and honestly have less empirical relevance. The fact that these are old doesn't reduce their logical validity; it is just that they are too general to learn from and imply something without relying on stronger assumptions. These are mainly the discrete choice family models that have existed for decades. They give us statements like, " Having the per-capita income increased by X amount, the Pr(Choosing Enrollment in Higher Education) increases (or decreases in case of the circumstances) by Y%". They are more of confirmation (not useless research findi

नाब हूँ

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Layers of Choice:

  The Perceived Layers of Choice: Destiny, Faith, and Randomness "Do you believe in destiny? If yes, how do you think your choices are characterized to be? Are your choices random or deterministic? As people say, destiny has designed and decided everything upfront and you just have to experience it. The concept of destiny and its influence on our choices has been a topic of fascination and debate throughout history. Some believe that destiny governs our lives, predetermined and designed in advance, while others see life as a series of random events. This blog post delves into the distinction between these two perspectives, exploring how choices are perceived and characterized in the context of destiny. Additionally, it examines the role of faith or information in shaping these choices and argues that the nature of destiny is intricately linked to our awareness of it. Destiny as Deterministic:  For those who believe in destiny, choices are perceived to be deterministic. This means

Not-so-Educational Choices

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Asymmetric Information & Deepika Padukone:" You can't have it all"

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C. R. Rao: The Living Legend

C. R. Rao: The Living Legend In an exemplary  announcement, The International Prize in Statistics Foundation  has declared that Prof. C. R. Rao has been awarded the prestigious 2023 International Prize in Statistics. It is considered an equivalent to a Nobel in terms of the contribution and impact required to deserve it. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of Statistics. The prize is awarded every two years by the International Prize in Statistics Foundation to a single individual or team for their contributions to the development and application of statistical methods.  About Prof. Rao:  Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, popularly known as C.R. Rao, is an Indo-American Mathematician and Statistician who has gained prominence with his significant contributions to the field of Statistics. He was born on September 10, 1920, in   Hadagali ,  Bellary ,  Madras Presidency  (now in  Karnataka ), India. Rao received his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Andhra Univer